Thursday, April 7, 2011

School shooting in Rio


Just read an article on the BBC about how another school shooting has taken place.  This time in Rio de Janeiro.

What the hell is wrong with people nowadays???  What the hell is shooting innocent children going to do???  Help them get noticed?

They'll get noticed alright...for all the wrong reasons.

If they think society at large wronged them or if they think they were divinely screwed and they want to strike back, why don't they just invite television crews over someplace where they can shoot themselves on TV.  That would make a statement to society.  Without injuring others.  Without hurting innocent children.

May all of those heartless demons who prey on innocent children burn in hell.

This particular Brazilian madman left a letter that said "nothing impure should touch my blood..."

Too late, @$$wipe, your blood itself is tainted.  Why worry about what will touch it now?

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